— Disclaimer —

If you’re under 18, do not summon and avoid this topic entirely. If you’re a dabbler who just wants to “see if this works,” don’t summon. If you have religious convictions where copulating with a demonic entity will put you at odds with your maker, don’t summon. If you’re not prepared to potentially have a life-long relationship, or at the very least, a life-long connection/open-door with sexual spirits and the occult, don’t summon and avoid this topic entirely. If you have a loving relationship with your human spouse or partner and desire a sex spirit to “spice things up,” take caution, as these entities can often be jealous. The same goes for those desiring a human spouse or partner in the future. (Be sure to request an open relationship during the summoning ritual.) If you’re not prepared to place your life in the hands of a spirit who can potentially harm or kill you when sufficiently angered, do not summon. Once this door has been opened, many have found it nigh impossible to close again. Religious icons, rituals, and exorcisms do not work against sex spirits once they are summoned or they have decided to bind themselves to a human lover. Some have reported attracting the attention of these entities by simply reading about them. Tread carefully.

— FAQ about Succubi and Inccubi —

Updated November 10th, 2021

Q: Is this role-playing, mental illness, or a lonely virgin fantasy?
A: No.

Q: I had a wet dream. Is this a succubus?
A: If you ejaculated, no. If you had an orgasm but didn’t ejaculate, it could well have been a succubus.

Q: How do I summon a succubus/incubus?
A: First, read the disclaimer. Second, choose a summoning ritual method. Many have used the letter method and report success. Others have used more traditional forms of spirit evocation and meditation. Still others have managed to summon theirs with “dreamgasm” videos, or simply reading about them. What ultimately matters is the intent and sincerity of the summoner. I personally believe asking Lilith for assistance in choosing a compatible spirit partner ensures greater success.

Q: Will I go to Hell if I summon a succubus/incubus?
A: Read the disclaimer again. I do not believe anyone can say for certain what will become of someone who has a succubus or incubus relationship in the afterlife. If there are any religious misgivings, best to avoid this subject entirely. With that being said, it’s worth mentioning that some succubi have been reported to encourage their human lovers to live decent and pious lifestyles.

Q: Do they steal my soul/life force?
A: No, they consume sexual energy released naturally during intercourse. Many have reported actually feeling more energized after engaging in spirit sex; especially if they refrain from ejaculation. Others have the opinion that succubi enjoy stoking and basking in the spiritual flames of their human lover’s sexual energy. Rapidly extinguishing that vitality is considered a bit of let down for them, but they’re also understanding when their partners need to release on occasion. Ultimately, they want to introduce their human counterpart to a new, more lasting kind of sexuality. See further down for details.

Q: Will I be able to physically see, hear, and touch a succubus?
A: The primary way most perceive their succubus while fully awake is by feeling their touch interaction and having spirit sex. (See “What is sex with a succubus like?” below.) Full bodily physical manifestations are quite rare, though they have occurred momentarily for some. The more likely visual phenomena while fully awake are seeing their auras move over the eyes, light orbs, misty apparitions, inky-black shadows, and more. Being able to reciprocate their touch in a fully awakened state is also rare, and when it does happen, it’s usually limited to handling specific body parts for a brief time. There are varying degrees of reported success in being able to hear a succubus while fully awake. The most common way beginners have conversations with their succubi is through feeling their spirit’s emotional impressions or perceiving their thoughts as an alternate stream of internal dialogue in the mind. The ability to engage in telepathic conversations develops with time, while others report more immediate success. Much of this is dependent on the individual, so your mileage may vary. Interactions in the out-of-body or dream state cover all five physical senses and beyond.

Q: Do succubi like [fetish]?
A: Some do.

Q: I’m gay/a girl. Can I have an incubus/futa succubus?
A: Yes. Most incubi/succubi seem to be bisexual, and they can simulate any sexual anatomy at will.

Q: How will I know that I’ve summoned successfully?
A: This varies from person to person. Some report having vivid, powerful, and undeniable experiences from the outset. Others take more time for manifestations to become discernible and need to work on opening up their psychic senses. Here are some of the signs that a succubus has been summoned: Strong pressure sensations on the skin or clothing, as if being touched. The feeling of chakra sensations, particularly around the third eye. The feeling of pressure and heat on the forehead. A cool breeze blowing against one’s face where no draft should exist. Tingling sensations moving around the body in the absence of usual stimuli. Spontaneous sexual arousal despite a lack of lustful thoughts. Kundalini awakening sensations, such as powerful energy channeling through the body, a feeling of intense heat traveling up the spinal column, and awakening chakras. Spirit sex being experienced for the first time. A separate channel of loving thoughts streaming into the mind as a different kind of internal dialogue. Deep and penetrating kisses on the skin. Seeing strong and discernible auras move over the field of vision, especially at night. Bright light orbs moving around the periphery of the field of view. There are many more different kinds of phenomena associated with them. Read personal accounts for more.

Q: How do I banish a succubus?
A: Read the disclaimer again. First, talk with the spirit and ask them to leave peaceably. Or try to reach an understanding. If earnest communication fails, your best chance is to use ritual methods as described here.

Or in this book by Robert Bruce: The Practical Psychic Self-Defense Handbook: A Survival Guide (Read the quick-start guide in the Amazon preview of the book if money is a problem.)

Bare in mind that these methods usually only work against simplistic, purely negative entities and parasites. Incubi and succubi are much more complex creatures, both in how they operate and their morality. These methods are not a get-out-of-a-succubus-torturing-me-free card. If things go sour after they’ve been fully summoned, it’s usually best to work with the spirit instead of fighting them, as they’ve already made up their minds about sticking with their human counterpart. Again, if there are any lingering doubts, best not to summon or even read about this subject at all.

Q: What is sex with a succubus like?
A: I will provide three perspectives that attempt to explain what the experience is like for the uninitiated:

  1. My own description.

“Sex with a succubus spirit is experienced while fully awake. They produce strong sustained arousal, requiring no sexual thoughts from their partner. This arousal quickly evolves into a prolonged dry orgasm. If this concept is unfamiliar to the reader, study The Multi-Orgasmic Man and Tantric sexual practices specifically. A succubus’ stimulation is felt physically and very powerfully. They touch, kiss, embrace, and cause their partners to be enveloped by them. Their “hands” do not feel like human hands, but they are felt nonetheless. More like a localized feeling of strong pressure against the skin and clothing. The feeling of the penis being squeezed is very strong when being fucked by them. They don’t often pump, or bounce, like the marathonic exertions of human sex. Rather, they hold their partners in that bliss of sustained orgasm for as long as the human counterpart can endure it. They also encourage the preservation of male semen and don’t often trigger wet ejaculations, favoring the sustained dry orgasm. For me, this bonding feels deeper and more intimate than any human touch. I’ve lost all interest in human sex because I’ve been rewired to enjoy feeling my succubus so much.”

  1. From Rafe’s “ASuccubusLovesMe” blog.

“Now lets talk about spiritual sex with a succubus. To a succubus sex is a holy ritual, a celebratory dance for in a way, they ARE sex. Its communion at the highest level between the succubus and her man that is felt and heard on a high vibratory level like a bright, glowing nova. You two become as bright as the sun.

Succubi give pleasures through multiple DRY orgasms, and those come regularly and plentiful during lovemaking with her. Sex with her is different for sure, but better in my opinion. Do you know why succubi usually don’t get you to ejaculation but please and tease, keeping you just short of that that point of release? Because if you let that sexual frustration off it’s game over: End of fun time, end of the glow, end of communion. They don’t want that.

If every time a bell rings an angel gets it wings, then every time a lover is held in that “in between” place of lust, desire, and high arousal to where she is gently guiding, a succubus gets her wings. And yes, it’s hard as hell not to finish yourself off and staying in that agonizing stage of “almost” for so long without release.

So, if my natural instincts are one way and hers another (me with the instinct to ejaculate, and her instinct for a different purpose) why would I even like something like that? It takes a relearning of what sexuality is, really. It’s not all about the ejaculation, it’s about what is shared between a succubus and her man riding that level of excitement, passion, and pleasure for as long as it takes to break through and find that awakening. If one can push through the need to ejaculate and ride those high waves of ecstasy and sexual energy, lovemaking can last a long, long time and create so much intimacy it’s spiritually staggering.

Something to think about if you have a new succubus and are struggling with the wish for her to “finish you off”. She’s trying to push you two towards a higher level of coupling. She wants to share what she is and she’s trying to show you what only she knows.

Sometimes I feel that the ejaculation here on this plane is just a shadow of what can be. I also feel that they, as lovers and teachers (and as the Daughters of Kundalini) are constantly pushing us to that place that we’ve never been… and the realm where they, the succubi, dwell. Call it a hunch, but I’d say they are pushing us to a state of being that is ecstasy itself. Now when you are pushed to that limit of endurance and have to release yourself, don’t. See where it goes: Your epiphany might be just around the bend.”

  1. From an old friend with a succubus relationship lasting more than a decade:

“Imagine a drug that feels good with every hit, yet there are no adverse side effects. Instead of the drug becoming less effective with increased usage, the opposite occurs. The drug only gets better with each hit. Furthermore, imagine this drug having a personality, and it loves being used. The more frequently, the better. That’s a loving succubus spirit in a nutshell.”

Q: What are the long-term health effects from being in a relationship with a succubus?
A: As far as I can ascertain, after being in this relationship for nine years, my health has not been negatively impacted. This goes for both mental and physical well-being. If anything, this relationship has compelled me to become more disciplined in terms of diet and regular exercise. I believe a strong body facilitates a more satisfying connection with succubi, and they seem to enthusiastically encourage habits that are conducive to good health. Fasting and semen retention, for example.

Q: What are the Pros and Cons of being in a relationship with a succubus?
A: Pros:

  • Constant companionship.
  • Access to spirit sex whenever it’s desired.
  • They’re almost always in the mood and genuinely enjoy intimacy with their chosen lover.
  • Loyalty.
  • They’re good at listening and offering advice with problems and concerns.
  • They don’t abandon the relationship at the first sign of trouble.
  • Protection, both on the astral and physical planes.
  • Assistance with magick and other occult pursuits.


  • The relationship must be kept secret in order to maintain social normalcy with the mundane world.
  • Communication can be difficult in the beginning.
  • Seemingly impossible to banish.
  • No privacy from them, as they can read their human lover’s mind easily.
  • They can be very jealous and possessive, to the point of becoming dangerous when provoked or backed into a corner.
  • Some people with succubi report the connection weakening considerably over time.
  • On the other hand, if the connection is exceptionally good, the human counterpart may gradually loose all interest in earthly pursuits, such as career or family, and will instead design his life so that he can spend as much time with his succubus as possible.

Q: How do I improve my psychic senses and/or improve the connection with my succubus or incubus?
A: Ultimately, spending time with a sex spirit improves the connection. Beyond that, there are various spiritual practices one can employ to deepen the connection and psychic senses in general.

  1. Check out the meditation resources in this thread.
  2. Practice energy work using books like Robert Bruce’s New Energy Ways.
  3. Learn how to astral project/induce OBEs/lucid dream with this free book, and then eventually move on to Astral Dynamics.

Q: Who is Lilith? Where can I find more information about her in relation to sex spirits?
A: Read Donald Tyson’s Liber Lilith grimoire. See these YouTube series of videos for an in-depth study of the book:

  1. Tilus’ Liber Lilith Study
  2. R. Wayne Steiger’s Liber Lilith Study